Insurance claims advice to legal profession and attendance as professional witness in court.
An important service provided by many ACA members is the provision of professional expert witness reports or business plans that are used in dispute resolution or business assessments by individuals or organisations where matters of an agricultural nature arise. The scope of such expert reports and plans may include many matters relating to agribusiness and the general business of farming including claims for losses and viability reports whether for farmer clients, insurance companies, agribusiness, banks, governmental and local authorities and solicitors. It is often the case that many Professional Advisers will not have an intricate knowledge and understanding of agribusiness, farming and farm business issues. ACA members are well versed in agricultural business matters ranging from agribusiness, farm management, farming financial computations and general farm assessments including farm viability and have a sound understanding of these matters which other professionals may require from time to time whether in dispute resolution or agricultural business planning. Court attendance is also provided as part of the service as an expert witness in agricultural matters should the need arise.
Contact Us
Please contact Angela Casey, ACA Administrator for further details. Stay connected with us.